Latest news from the farm

Family Fun Day & Open House
Don't miss our annual Family Fun Day and Open House on Saturday, May 17th from 2 pm to 6 pm. Bring the entire family and have an afternoon full of fun, fishing, archery, and more. Come see what Pathfinder Farms is all about!

Archery Lessons
Archery lessons will begin on June 3rd and run every Tuesday through August 5th. Class sizes are limited, so be sure to register early. Cost is $25 per class and each classes include a 11-12 year old group (meeting on Tuesday's from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm) and a 13-15 year old group (meeting on Tuesday's from 4 pm to 5 pm). Registration coming soon!
Coming Soon
Faith Based Living
We are well into our seventh year of programming, with a total of 5 programs. They are currently running or under development, and we are looking forward to seeing how these programs impact our community, but especially how they impact the young men and women. With everything that we do here at Pathfinder Farms, we keep Jesus at the center of our attention. With the hope that our relationship with our Savior is shared with all participants in a positive and meaningful way.
Learn More About Our Mission